Friday 26 August 2011

How a Naturopath Supports Acupuncture for Fertility

1.      High quality nutritional supplements. These boost your fertility status by feeding the body what it needs in the necessary doses and in a form that the body can actually breakdown and use. It’s about the highest quality your baby deserves.
2.      Pre-Conception Care – diet, stress, nutritional deficiency, toxins and imbalanced hormones are the main causes of infertility. Naturopathy can assist you with all these issues to have you ready to start a family. It works beautifully in conjunction with acupuncture.
3.      While acupuncture increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, naturopathy ensures that the blood that reaches the reproductive organs is clean, full of nutrients and oxygen.
4.      Acupuncture is a typical Eastern form of natural medicine while naturopathy is Western. Both Eastern and Western natural medicine looks at the body in different way from each other and combining these forms of natural fertility treatment you can address every angle possible and may spot things that the other has missed.
5.      Natural Fertility practitioners understand the other treatment more so than a medical practitioner would understand what we do, thus we are better equipped to enhance the others treatment than to fight against it.
It is more appropriate to work with a range of fertility practitioners to maximise your potential rather than just focussing on one therapy. One practitioner may miss something the other may find. The more options you explore the more chances you have to fall pregnant.

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