Friday 26 August 2011

How a Naturopath Supports Acupuncture for Fertility

1.      High quality nutritional supplements. These boost your fertility status by feeding the body what it needs in the necessary doses and in a form that the body can actually breakdown and use. It’s about the highest quality your baby deserves.
2.      Pre-Conception Care – diet, stress, nutritional deficiency, toxins and imbalanced hormones are the main causes of infertility. Naturopathy can assist you with all these issues to have you ready to start a family. It works beautifully in conjunction with acupuncture.
3.      While acupuncture increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, naturopathy ensures that the blood that reaches the reproductive organs is clean, full of nutrients and oxygen.
4.      Acupuncture is a typical Eastern form of natural medicine while naturopathy is Western. Both Eastern and Western natural medicine looks at the body in different way from each other and combining these forms of natural fertility treatment you can address every angle possible and may spot things that the other has missed.
5.      Natural Fertility practitioners understand the other treatment more so than a medical practitioner would understand what we do, thus we are better equipped to enhance the others treatment than to fight against it.
It is more appropriate to work with a range of fertility practitioners to maximise your potential rather than just focussing on one therapy. One practitioner may miss something the other may find. The more options you explore the more chances you have to fall pregnant.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Did you just Google, ‘Fertility Feng Shui’?

Are you searching the internet for fertility secrets because it’s just not happening?
Have you heard these...
Sitting down in the chair straight after a pregnant woman has sat on it.
If you drop a spoon you’ll fall pregnant.
Put a pair of elephant figurines with their trunks down and face them towards your husband’s side of the bed.
Sleep on blue sheets.
Try to orgasm at the same time. It increases the chance of sperm and egg meeting.
The woman is to lay on her back 30 minutes after sex to ensure the sperm reaches the egg.
Have sex under a tree at full moon.
Eat a grapefruit a day to thin vaginal mucous to allow sperm easier access.
Drink a cup of green tea a day.

There is no harm in trying, but there’s no guarantee on the success. These wives tales and stories used to try and fall pregnant have been around for centuries. Skye Robinson, Naturopath is a leading practioner in Natural Fertility. I embrace all aspects of fertility (and support any spoon dropping and full moon activities) by utilising a collection of evidence-based therapies as an experienced practitioner.  I understand that you’re feeling frustrated and disappointed yet you are determined to have a baby. And, by all rights you could. We work on maximising your potential. It is achievable, let me support you and it is possible that you may be cradling your baby by Christmas next year.

Friday 8 July 2011

Top 10 Vitamins and Minerals for Fertility

ZINC - Both men and women require zinc to improve sexual organ function. The two major contributors of zinc deficiency are the pill (OCP) and stress. Oysters are 10 times higher in zinc than any other food. Otherwise red meats and eggs are sufficient zinc.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFA) – These are vital for the outside cells of the egg to become flexible and allow the sperm to penetrate the egg to fertilise it. A high diet of fatty foods (chips, takeaway, fries) make the cell walls thick and hard and this prevents the sperm from pushing through the cell wall of the egg.
VITAMIN C – Studies are showing exceptional results taking vitamin C supplements when a woman is using clomiphene. Vitamin C is specifically used to prevent clumping of sperm (which decreases sperm function). It assists by supporting immune defences; reducing stress response and reducing toxic build up.
IRON – is a basic building block of the foetus. Without it or with limited supply the foetus cannot exist.
FOLIC ACID – crucial for cell division, especially in the beginning stages of pregnancy. If your embryo is not dividing its cells properly, it may cause a miscarriage because the foetus is not developing as it should be. You need to ensure you are eating dark leafy greens, oranges, rockmelons and sweet potatoes on a regular basis even before conception.
B6 – this helps to regulate your menstrual cycle and the appropriate hormones to ensure ovulation.
B12 – necessary for men and low sperm counts and ensuring correct DNA is forming. Poor DNA formation can result in miscarriages.
CoQ10 – Primary nutrient for activating (turning on) each new cell. It provides energy for you and the developing foetus; as well as improving sperm condition.
SELENIUM – Improves sperm production and motility. Men need selenium more than women and it is stored in the testes. Every ejaculation will deplete stores. Foods that have selenium are organic vegetables, grains (wheat, oats, and bran), butter, brazil nuts and brown rice.
VITAMIN E – improves male sexuality and vitality by reducing toxins in the sperm and improving circulation, making the sperm stronger and healthier. Try eating wheat germ, butter, egg yolks and cold pressed oil.

Friday 24 June 2011

Weight & Fertility

Infertility comes with a lack of control, waiting, praying and sometimes pure good luck. Utilising fertility specialists, IVF doctors, acupuncturists and good nutrition does help bring order and control into this situation. A problem shared is a problem halved. But what are you doing to assist your body?
All this can be compromised with a few extra kilos. All the money spent, time consumed and heart ache experienced. The current research is extensive on the link between weight and fertility. Scientists are proving the biochemical link that excess weight has on the reproductive hormones you need to ovulate and maintain a regular menstrual cycle.
The facts and figures from these scientific studies are saying that carrying extra kilos can
·         Reduce your chance of successful IVF pregnancy by 30%;
·         Doubles you chance of miscarriage (compared to women of average BMI);
·         12% of all infertility issues are due to excess weight.

I don’t recommend you go into extreme weight loss mode. That alone can be detrimental on your health and will stress the body and affect your fertility status using different hormones.
 I do recommend you undertake a specific, nutritionally guided weight loss program. This way you are under the supervision of a professional and they can monitor your weight loss progress. Just like any job, always outsource help if you’re unsure. The results will be far better. The same is with weight loss; outsource to a professional and let them do all the monitoring and data collating to allow you to concentrate on eating well and exercising.
Positive News – Studies are showing that weight loss of only 5-10% of total body weight can cause the body to switch its fertility back on spontaneously, which can result in natural conception.
Loose 10kg and gain a baby.
Start today.

Friday 17 June 2011

Free Consultations

I believe natural health care should be available to everyone. It is my goal to provide top quality health care at an affordable price.

Once a  Month I offer FREE CONSULTATIONS.
When:  Every third Saturday of the Month
Time:  9am - 11am
Where:  Conceive Natural Health and Fertility
47 Arthur Tce, RED HILL  Q  4059
With: Skye Robinson, Naturopath.
How Long:  30 minutes per person. Only one per person, per month.
Consultation is FREE (save $70), all products are full price, but no obligation.

Consultations time is spent discussing your issue, dietary assessment and basic health analysis relevant to the concern. From here any dietary, lifestyle and nutritional advice is given, plus appropriate products will be suggested but you have no obligation to purchase.

Bookings Essential
Ph:  0438 821 283  or email me to book your appointment.
I recommend asap due to numbers -  only four people a month.

This is my contribution to a healthier community.

Take advantage of this, especially if you only have a small concern that doesn't require a full consultation.
This is great for...
  • coughs, colds, 'flu; weakened immune system. 
  • dietary issues,
  • explaining gluten intolerance and getting some more information,
  • exploring alternatives to some medications;
  • feeling tired and rundown;
  • sleeping problems,
  • babies with colic and teething pains.
I look forward to taking your booking.

Are Your Hormones Imbalanced?

This quiz is relevant for women at any stage in life, whether its puberty, pre-conception, motherhood, peri-menopause.

Rate the occurrence of each symptom to the scale below,
then calculate your total score.

0=never 1=seldom              2=occasionally     3=frequently
4=infrequently with severe symptoms            5=almost always

___    Increase in weight
___ Difficulty in losing weight
___ Excessive fatigue
___ Mentally sluggish
___ Mood swings
___ Dry skin
___ Low libido
___ Headaches
___ Adult acne
___ Periods irregular, missed
___ Difficulty conceiving
___ Sweating more than normal
___ Insomnia
___ Water retention, swelling
___ anxiety
___ irritable
___ comfort eating

1-15 may indicate a mild imbalance
16-25 may indicate a moderate imbalance
26-45 may indicate a severe imbalance
46+ may indicate a critical imbalance
Scored more than 15?  Contact Skye at and rebalance your hormones today. It's easily corrected and you'll feel energised and have your clarity of mind back again.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Is Your Home Causing Your Infertility and Harming your unborn Baby?

There are some things that may sound insignificant but could be impacting you your ability to fall pregnant.
RADIATION – radiation waves are produced by electronic devices. New research is now suggesting that these may have an adverse reaction on your unborn child. Radiation can come from computers, laptop, televisions, mobile phones, microwaves and x-rays (dental or skeletal).
CATS & KITTENS – Kittens carry a parasite within their faeces called toxoplasmosis.  It is well researched that this parasite can cause miscarriage. If recurrent miscarriage is a concern for you, consider your pets.
CHEMICAL PRODUCTS – Your home could be littered with harmful chemicals to your foetus.  It is important to do all home renovations before you are pregnant to avoid overloading your system with chemicals that may result in miscarriage. Chemicals include – paints, old lead paint on walls, room deodorises, oven cleaners, weed killers, furniture polish. Look for natural alternatives. Prevention is key.
LIFESTOCK – if you farm cattle, there is evidence to suggest that pregnant livestock can carry a harmful bacteria that cause miscarriages.
WORK – if your occupation is exposing you to chemicals, this too could contribute to infertility. The most common high chemical jobs are hairdressing, nail salons, factor work, gardeners and painters.
These are things to can control, so it is important to change your environment to assist with successful fertility treatment.


One cup of coffee can cause up to a 50% reduction in your fertility. A good diet plays a significant role in fertility treatment and one of the most necessary things to do is to remove coffee and caffeine products from your diet.
It is recommended not to go ‘cold turkey’ because caffeine is an addictive substance. Cutting all caffeine out of your diet at once may put your body into a withdrawal process that involves headaches, possible migraines, shaky hands, restlessness and lethargy. The ideal way to remove caffeine is to remove one cup and then another cup in two days, continue removing a cup of coffee (or equivalent) every two days. Replacing them with herbal tea or vegetable juice will assist your fertility diet.
Caffeine is everywhere now. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, green tea, chocolate, energy drinks and cola. Research is suggesting 300mg of caffeine is associated with miscarriages. 300mg of caffeine is equivalent to :
Ø  3 cups of coffee or,
Ø  6 cups of black tea or,
Ø  8 cans of cola or,
Ø  4 cans of energy drink or,
Ø  2 chocolate bars
If you want to fall pregnant and avoid miscarriages it is necessary to eliminate caffeine. In the long run, it will improve your overall health and you will feel more energised because of it.
Another study showed that women who had 8 or so more cups of coffee while pregnant had doubled their risk of stillbirth.

The Top 10 Vitamins and Minerals for Fertility

TO have a baby, you NEED to have this vitamin and mineral stores in your body.

ZINC - Both men and women require zinc to improve sexual organ function. The two major contributors of zinc deficiency are the pill (OCP) and stress. Oysters are 10 times higher in zinc than any other food. Otherwise red meats and eggs are also high in zinc.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFA) – These are vital for the outside of the cells to become flexible and allow the sperm to penetrate the egg to fertilise it. A high diet of fatty foods (chips, takeaway, fries) make the cell walls thick and hard and prevents the sperm from pushing through the cell wall of the egg.
VITAMIN C – Studies are showing exception results using vitamin C when a woman is using clomiphene. Vitamin C is specifically used to prevent clumping of sperm (which decreases sperm function). It assists by supporting immune defences, reducing stress response and reducing toxic build up.
IRON – is a basic building block of the foetus. Without it or with limited supply the foetus cannot exist.
FOLIC ACID – crucial for cell division, especially in the beginning stages. If your embryo is not dividing its cells properly, it may cause a miscarriage because the foetus is not developing properly. You need to ensure you are eating dark leafy greens, oranges, rockmelons and sweet potatoes on a regular basis even before conception.
B6 – this helps to regulate your menstrual cycle and the appropriate hormones to ensure ovulation.
B12 – necessary for men and low sperm counts and ensuring correct DNA is forming. Poor DNA formation can result in miscarriages.
CoQ10 – Primary nutrient for activating (turning on) each new cell. It provides energy for you and the developing foetus; as well as improving sperm condition.
SELENIUM – Improves sperm production and motility. Men need selenium more than women and it is stored in the testes. Every ejaculation will deplete stores. Foods that have selenium are organic vegetables, grains (wheat, oats, and bran), butter, brazil nuts and brown rice.
VITAMIN E – improves male sexuality and vitality by reducing toxins in the sperm and improving circulation, making the sperm stronger and healthier. Try eating wheat germ, butter, egg yolks and cold pressed oil.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Turning Back your Reproductive Clock for successful pregnancy.

Pregnancy and Age – Turning back the reproductive clock for successful pregnancy.
Successful Pregnancies by turning back the reproductive clock.
It is said everywhere that the older you get there is less chance of falling pregnant. Once you reach 35 years old, your fertility status declines dramatically every year after that.
However, there are ‘anti-aging’ processes for your reproductive system. It is possible to revert your ovaries and uterus back to their fertile state of 25 years. This is where Natural Fertility treatment differs from Western medical treatment.
In age-related infertility, the aim of the natural therapist is to convert the uterus and ovaries of a 40 year old woman to that of a 25 year old woman. This way you can have the best of both worlds – the life experience and financial security of a 40 year old woman and the internal body of a 25 year old woman. How Great! This also removes the need of using donor eggs.
How we do this? The root-cause of age-related infertility is reduced blood flow to organs, stress damage to organs and over all stagnation within your internal organs. All this is due to life experience – living life.
My job is to correct the HPA axis, reduce pelvic congestion, and improve hormonal synthesis. The process of turning back your reproductive clock is a natural process that although may take some months, it will occur effortlessly and without side effects.
The whole idea behind treating age-related infertility is to create a healthy, warm environment for fertilisation and natural production of the appropriate hormones for conception.

Sunday 29 May 2011


In theory, hyperprolactinaemia means your body is producing too much prolactin (a hormone produced by the pituarity gland). This occurs naturally when a woman is breastfeeding to produce the breast milk.
This is nature’s concept that while a mother is still breast-feeding, she will be less fertile (to reduce mums chance of having repeated pregnancies in very short intervals). While breastfeeding may limit natural fertility, it is not a contraceptive method.
A woman’s natural fertility, when not breastfeeding, can be affected by the same biochemical mechanisms – hyperprolactinaemia and this indicates that your body’s biochemistry is malfunctioning and reduce your fertility status. This generally comes about due to lifestyle factors such as:
·         Stress
·         Excessive exercise
·         Beer and alcohol
·         High dose oestrogen contraceptive pill
·         An  underactive thyroid
Studies are showing that constant stress can cause the body to produce the same amount of prolactin as when a woman is lactating. It would be important to monitor your stress levels and the causing factors of the stress to assist with the fertility treatment.
The idea behind treatment is to correct the chemicals stimulating the glands to inform the body that it is ready to produce regular menstrual and ovulation cycles and prepare to conceive another embryo. The general consensus on the cause of hyperprolactinaemia is that is biochemically overstimulating the prolactin-secreting glands. From a blood test, an analysis on your hormone levels can assist in making an educated judgement on this and provide guidelines on necessary treatment.
How do you know? It’s important to test your levels of prolactin with a routine blood test. In the mean time some sign and symptoms you may experience include:
·         Light and irregular periods
·         Absent periods
·         Decreased libido
·         Possible headaches
A Naturopath can assist you with correcting your hormone levels and regulating the menstrual cycle to bring about natural fertility. It is vital that you have the blood levels checked to ensure that there is nothing more serious behind the signs and symptoms.
From here, you should expect to see positive change within a few months.
Something so simple could be causing your infertility.

Friday 20 May 2011

When PMS becomes more than just discomfort.

In a healthy functioning menstrual cycle, a woman should experience limited discomfort prior to bleeding. Symptoms before menstruation is the body's natural way of telling you something is not right.

Debilitating pain, cramping, tender breasts and headaches are the more common symptoms of the possibility of something more serious. Endometriosis, Polycystic ovaries, Fibroids and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease are conditions that can display these symptoms.

If you experience these symptoms, I suggest you keep a note of the symptoms you have and visit your doctor to check it out asap.

PMS is the clue to more serious conditions. From here though, these conditions can then impact your fertility. Infertilty can result from the scarring, hormone imbalance and congestion that these conditions cause. Whilst a Naturopath can't replace scarred tissue for new; a Naturopath can rebalance hormones, reduce pelvic congestion, improve ovulation and uterine wall lining.

A Naturopath's role in infertility treatment is to optimise the body's ability to fall pregnant.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

How can a Naturopath assist fertility?

How can a Naturopath assist fertility?
Naturopathy supports a woman with her desire to fall pregnant naturally, using only safe, non,-invasive methods. The aim is to establish good health before conception by correcting any hormonal imbalances, improving nutritional deficiencies and restoring a healthy menstrual cycle. This is known to increase your fertility rate and reduces possible birth defects.

How it works?
This involves taking extensive notes on your health, current and past; medical history, your zinc status, daily diet, iris and nail analysis. With this, a good overview of your health status is established and indications of what may not be functioning properly. From here, a combination of theraputic grade herbal liquids and clinically proven nutritional supplements are utilised to give you the maximum chance of a positive conception and a safe and healthy full term pregnancy.

Why Not?
Naturopathy is very effective at treating infertility, with the bonus of being natural and with limited side effects. Naturopathy works well as a sole treatment but is most effective when used with other natural therapies such as Accupuncture. Naturopathy can be utilised safely with IVF cycles and when taking hormone medications. In fact if you're going to spend the money for a IVF cycle why not maximise your results by combining it with complementary therapies such as Naturopathy and Accupuncture to enhance your chances of positive conception.
Naturopathy is non-invasive, easy to implement and more cost effective than most hormone medications.

With the opportunity to maximise your chances of conception... why not?

Welcome All

Welcome to my blog page.

Over the coming days, weeks, months and years I intend to fill this with new information regarding Naturopathy and Infertility. Please feel free to offer any comments and please pass this on to anyone  you may know who is struggling to conceive.