Thursday 16 June 2011

The Top 10 Vitamins and Minerals for Fertility

TO have a baby, you NEED to have this vitamin and mineral stores in your body.

ZINC - Both men and women require zinc to improve sexual organ function. The two major contributors of zinc deficiency are the pill (OCP) and stress. Oysters are 10 times higher in zinc than any other food. Otherwise red meats and eggs are also high in zinc.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFA) – These are vital for the outside of the cells to become flexible and allow the sperm to penetrate the egg to fertilise it. A high diet of fatty foods (chips, takeaway, fries) make the cell walls thick and hard and prevents the sperm from pushing through the cell wall of the egg.
VITAMIN C – Studies are showing exception results using vitamin C when a woman is using clomiphene. Vitamin C is specifically used to prevent clumping of sperm (which decreases sperm function). It assists by supporting immune defences, reducing stress response and reducing toxic build up.
IRON – is a basic building block of the foetus. Without it or with limited supply the foetus cannot exist.
FOLIC ACID – crucial for cell division, especially in the beginning stages. If your embryo is not dividing its cells properly, it may cause a miscarriage because the foetus is not developing properly. You need to ensure you are eating dark leafy greens, oranges, rockmelons and sweet potatoes on a regular basis even before conception.
B6 – this helps to regulate your menstrual cycle and the appropriate hormones to ensure ovulation.
B12 – necessary for men and low sperm counts and ensuring correct DNA is forming. Poor DNA formation can result in miscarriages.
CoQ10 – Primary nutrient for activating (turning on) each new cell. It provides energy for you and the developing foetus; as well as improving sperm condition.
SELENIUM – Improves sperm production and motility. Men need selenium more than women and it is stored in the testes. Every ejaculation will deplete stores. Foods that have selenium are organic vegetables, grains (wheat, oats, and bran), butter, brazil nuts and brown rice.
VITAMIN E – improves male sexuality and vitality by reducing toxins in the sperm and improving circulation, making the sperm stronger and healthier. Try eating wheat germ, butter, egg yolks and cold pressed oil.

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